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- 0. Introduction
- 01.Enumerate the failures of classical free electron theory and assumptions of quantum free electron theory of metals.
- 02.Define Fermi energy, Fermi Factor and Discuss the variation of Fermi factor with temperature and energy
- 03.Explain Meissner’s Effect, the variation of critical field with temperature and temperature dependence of resistance of a superconductor.
- 04. Differentiate the types of superconductors.
- 05.Explain the phenomenon of superconductivity and Discuss qualitatively the BCS theory of superconductivity for negligible resistance of metal at temperatures close to absolute zero.
- 06.write a note on high temperature superconductor.
- 07. Explain DC and AC Josephson effects
- 08. Give the qualitative explanation of DC Squid and RF Squid with the help of a neat sketch.
- 09.Short note on Applications of Superconductivity in Quantum Computing(optional).
- 1,Define corrosion explain the electrchemical theory of wet corrosion by taking iron as an example
- 1,Define corrosion explain the electrchemical theory of wet corrosion by taking iron as an example
- 1. A random variable x has follwing probabilty function for values of x
- 1. a) Illustrate with examples, Kirchhoff's laws as applied to an electric circuit ? b) State and explain Ohms law with limitations?
- 1. Define Binary search tree. Draw the BST for the following input:
- 1. Define computer. Describe the various types of computer based on speed, memory and cost(8)
- 1. Define the following by referring a sine wave i) RMS value ii) average value iii) form factor iv) peak factor v) phase and vi) phase difference
- 1. Derive an expression for de Broglie wavelength by analogy and hence discuss the significance of de Broglie waves.
- 1. Derive EMF equation of transformer?
- 1. Discuss timing in Linear motion, Uniform motion, slow in and slow out.
- 1. Elucidate the differences between classical and quantum computing.
- 1. Evaluation of double and triple integrals
- 1. Evaluation of double and triple integrals
- 1. Evaluation of double and triple integrals
- 1. Explain the principle of operation and construction of DC motor ?
- 1. Form PDE by eliminating arbitrary Constants
- 1. Gradient, Divergence and Curl- Problem
- 1. Gradient, Divergence and Curl- Problem
- 1. Gradient, Divergence and Curl- Problem
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Problems on Lapalace Transforms
- 1. Regular Falsi Method
- 1. Regular Falsi Method
- 1. Regular Falsi Method
- 1. Taylor's series method
- 1. Taylor's series method - Introduction,formula and problems
- 1. Taylor's series method - Introduction,formula and problems
- 1. Taylor's series method - Introduction,formula and problems
- 1. Vector Space and Subspace Problems
- 1. Vector Space and Subspace Problems
- 1. What are the desirable characteristics of tariff and explain two per tariff?
- 1. What is an embedded system? Compare embedded systems and general computer systems.
- 1. What is an oscillator? Also mention the conditions for oscillation (Barkhausens‟ criteria).
- 1. What is Hashing? Discuss the properties of a good hash function. Explain the following hash function with proper example a. Division Method b. Midsquare Method c. Folding Method
- 1. Write a C function to insert_front and delete_front using Doubly Linked List
- 1.1 Definition & Characteristics of Computer
- 1.2 Stored Program Concept
- 1.3 History of Computer
- 1.4 Classifications of Computers
- 1.5 Applications of Computer
- 1.6 Basic Organization of Computer
- 1.A sample of 100 bulbs produced by a company
- 1.Define data structure. Explain various operations on data structure (6)
- 1.Define Operating System. Explain dual mode of OS with neat diagram.
- 1.Discuss the implementation (Elements) of user defined function with suitable example (8) Explain function definition, function call and function declaration with example (6)
- 1.Discuss the interaction of radiation with matter.
- 1.Distinguish between contagious and linked allocation method with a neat diagram.
- 1.explain following terms :
- 1.Explain how string are declared and initialized with syntax and example (6)
- 1.Explain the preparation of Kevlar .Mention any four properties and application
- 1.Explain the preparation of Kevlar .Mention any four properties and application
- 1.Explain the working principle of conductometric sensors and mention any two application.
- 1.Explain the working principle of conductometric sensors and mention any two application.
- 1.Given the following joint distribution of the random variables x and y. Find corresponding marginal distribution .also compute the covarince.
- 1.illustrate with a neat sketch, the process states and process control block.
- 1.What are Memory Devices .Explain the Classification of Electronic memory devices With an Example
- 1.What are Memory Devices .Explain the Classification of Electronic memory devices With an Example
- 1.What is a regulated power supply? With neat block diagram, explain the working of DC power supply. Also mention the principal components used in each block.
- 1.What is Deadlock? What are the necessary conditions for the deadlock to occur?
- 1.What is Demand paging ? Explain the steps in handling page fault using appropriate diagram.
- 1.What is e-waste and Explain the need fof e-waste management
- 1.What is e-waste and Explain the need fof e-waste management
- 1.What is structure? Explain the syntax of structure declaration and initialization with example (5)
- 1.Write a c program to perform insertion, deletion and display operation on queue (OR) Define queue. Write Qinsert and Qdelete procedures for queues using arrays
- 1.Write a note on the following operators. i)Relational ii)Logical iii)Conditional (6)
- 1] By specifying the walk, draw two Euler graphs and an Unicursal graph.
- 1] Define sub graph and pendent vertex with example
- 1] Prove that a connected graph G is a tree if and only if there is one and only one path between every pair of vertices
- 1] Prove that ever tree with two or more vertices is 2-chromatic
- 1] State and prove Euler's formula that gives the number of regions in any planar graph
- 10 .Briefly explain the basic method of Segmentation.
- 10. 'in' and 'not in' Operator
- 10. Describe the working of controlled-Z gate mentioning its matrix representation and truth- table.
- 10. Discuss modeling the probability for proton decay.
- 10. Explain the structure of C program in detail. Write a sample program to demonstrate the components in the structure of C program(8)
- 10. Explain the syntax of for loop and write a program using for loop to find sum of first n natural numbers (8)
- 10. List and explain the ideal and real characteristics of op-amp.
- 10. The length of telephone conversation in a booth has been an exonential distribution and found on an average to be 5 minutes .find the probaility that a random call made frame this booth
- 10. What is Optimal Binary Search Tree? Write a c function to find an Optimal Binary Search Tree.
- 10. Write a c program to perform push(), pop(), display operations on STACK
- 10. Write a program to write employees details in a file called employee.txt. Then read the record of the nth employee and calculate his salary (6) (OR) Write a c program to maintain a record of n employee detail using an array of structure with three fields (id, name and salary) and print the details of employees whose salary is above 5000 (7)
- 10. Write an algorithm for Breadth first search and Depth first search
- 10.Each year man trades his car for a new in 3 brands of the popular company
- 10.Explain the Electrochemical sensors used for the detection of Hydrocarbans(1-Hydroxypyrene)
- 10.Explain the Electrochemical sensors used for the detection of Hydrocarbans(1-Hydroxypyrene)
- 10.Explain threaded binary trees and representation with a neat diagram.Also develop a C function to do the in-order traversal of a Threaded binary tree
- 10.What is pointer? Discuss pointer arithmetic with suitable C code (6)
- 10.What is recursion? Write the recursive procedure for
- 10.With a neat block diagram, derive the expression for overall gain of a negative feedback amplifier.
- 10.Write a C program to read N elements and find the biggest element in the array (8)
- 10.Write about the concept of Matheissen rule(optional).
- 10a. Explain the following with syntax and suitable code snippet: i) Class definition ii) instantiation iii) passing an instance (or objects) as an argument iv) instances as return values. 10b. Define pure function and modifier. Explain the role of pure functions and modifiers in application development with suitable python programs.
- 10a] Illustrate N queen’s problem using backtracking to solve 4-Queens problem 10b] Using Branch and Bound technique solve the below instance of knapsack problem.
- 10a] Show that i) the identity of G is unique. ii) the inverse of each element of G is Unique. 10b] Show that (A, ∙) is an abelian group where A = {a ∈ Q|a ≠ −1} and for any a, b ∈ A, a . b = a + b + ab. 10c] Let G = S4, for α = (1 2 3 2 3 4 4 1 ), find the subgroup H = 〈α〉. Determine the left cosets of H in G.
- 10a] What is NOSQL? Explain the CAP theorem. 10b] What are document based NOSQL systems? basic operations CRUD in MongoDB. 10c] What is NOSQL Graph database? Explain Neo4j.
- 10a] What is NOSQL? Explain the CAP theorem. 10b] What are document based NOSQL systems? Explain basic operations CRUD in MongoDB. 10c] What is NOSQL Graph database? Explain Neo4j.
- 10a] What is NOSQL? Explain the CAP theorem. 10b] What are document based NOSQL systems? Explain basic operations CRUD in MongoDB. 10c] What is NOSQL Graph database? Explain Neo4j.
- 10a] With a neat block diagram explain associative cache.10b] Briefly explain cache line replacement policies.
- 10a] With neat diagram write an assembly language program to interface ADC0804 to 8051 microcontroller.10b] With neat diagram explain the interfacing of stepper motor using 8051 microcontroller.
- 10a] With neat diagram write an assembly language program to interface LCD to 8051 microcontroller. 10b] Explain DAC interface with diagram and also write program to generate staircase waveform
- 11. Augmented Assignment Operator
- 11. Define the following with respect to operational amplifiers and write their typical values: i) Open loop voltage gain ii) Input offset voltage iii) Full power bandwidth and iv) Slew rate
- 11. Demonstrate formatted output of integer in C with suitable example(6)
- 11. Develop a C recursive program for Tower of Hanoi problem. Trace it for 3 disks with schematic call tree diagram
- 11. Discuss the CNOT gate and its operation on four different input states.
- 11. Explain the performance of Demand Paging.
- 11. Explain the syntax of if statement and write a program to find largest of 3 numbers using if statement (8)
- 11. the marks of 1000 students in an exam follows normal distribution with mean 70 and standard deviation 5 . find the students whose marks will be
- 11. What are the methods used for traversing a graph. Explain any one with example and write the C function for the same
- 11.Develop a program using pointer to compute the sum, mean and standard deviation of all element stored in array of N real number (8)
- 11.Draw the binary tree for the following expression
- 11.what are Batteries .Explain the construction.working and application of Lithium ion Batteries
- 11.what are Batteries .Explain the construction.working and application of Lithium ion Batteries
- 11.What are enumeration variable? How are they declared (5)
- 11.What are multi-stage amplifiers? Write different methods used for interstage coupling.
- 11.Write a c program to find addition/product of two matrices (6)
- 11.Write and explain how do you implement the operations of stack using singly linked list(SLL) with the help of C-statement
- 12. Define selection tree. Construct min winner tree for the runs of a game given below. Each run consists of values of players. Find the first 5 winners
- 12. Explain the syntax of do while statement. Write a c program to find the factorial of a number using do while where the number n is entered by user (8)
- 12. List Methods
- 12. List the basic data types available in C. Explain with example(8)
- 12. With a neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the following op-amp circuits:
- 12. Write an algorithm to convert an infix expression to postfix expression and also trace the same for the expression
- and application of Sodium ion Batteries
- and application of Sodium ion Batteries
- 12.Denfine expression tree. For the given tree traverse using in-order ,pre order and post-order traversal.
- 12.Discuss the working of phase gate mentioning its matrix representation and truth table. 13. Explain Pauli X,Y and Z gate state 0 and 1 with proper gate representations and their truth table. 14. Equation and 15.short notes on other important quantum gates.
- a test on electric bulbs it was found that the life time of a particular brand was distributed normally with an average life of 2000 hours and standard devation of 60 hrs .if a firm purcharses 2500 bulbs find the number of bulbs that are likely to last for .
- 12.What is dynamic memory allocation? Write and explain the different dynamic memory allocation functions in c (6)
- 12.Write a C program to transpose a MxN matrix (6)
- 12.Write a node structure for the linked representation of a polynomial. Explain the algorithm to add two polynomials represented using linked list
- 12.Write a short note on functions used to (8) Read data from a file Write data to a file (OR) What is a file? Explain fopen and fclose functions (5) (OR) Explain fgets and fputs functions (4) (OR) Explain the following file functions with example: fopen(), fprintf(), Fscanf(), fgets() (8) (OR) Explain fputc(), fputs(), fgetc() and fgets() functions with syntax (8) (OR) Discuss the different modes of operation on files with suitable example (8) (OR) Explain various modes in which file can be opened for processing (7)
- 13. 1) .index() Method
- 13. 2) Adding values to list with .append() and .insert() method used in lists
- 13. 3) Removing value from the list using .remove() method
- 13. 4) Sorting the Values in a list by .sort() method
- 13. 5) Adding the numbers in a list using sum() Method
- 13. 6) Finding the minimum values using min() method
- 13. 7) Finding the maximum values using max() method
- 13. 8) Removing the elements using .pop() Method
- 13. Define a Token. Explain the different types of tokens available in c
- 13. Define Forest. Transform the given forest into a Binary tree and traverse using in-order, pre-order and post-order traversal
- 13. What are Quantum Dot Sensitised solar cells. Mention its properties and application
- 13. What are Quantum Dot Sensitised solar cells. Mention its properties and application
- 13. Write a c program to read a year as input and check whether it is a leap year or not (4)
- 13. Write an algorithm to evaluate postfix expression and apply the same for the given postfix expression. ABC-D*+E$F+ and assume A=6 B=3 C=2 D=5 E=1 F=7
- 13.Explain array of pointers with example (4) (OR) Explain how pointer and array is related with example (4)
- 13.How to detect END-OF-FILE (6)
- 13.Outline the steps involved in construction of expression tree.Construct expression tree for the following input;
- 13.Write a C function to add two polynomials represented as circular list with header node
- 13.Write a c program to sort the elements by passing array as argument to function (8) (OR) Write a C program to implement Bubble Sort technique (ascending order) (8)
- 14. Convert the following infix expression into postfix expression using stack (5) A + (B*C-(D/E^F)*G)*H
- 14. List the types of looping statements in c. Explain any two with syntax and example (6)
- 14. Mutable and Immutable Data types
- 14.Write a c program to read text from file and display it on screen (8)
- 14.Write a c program to search a name in a list of names using Binary Search Technique (8)
- 15. Evaluate the following expression.
- 15. Tuple Data Type
- 16. Converting Types with List and Tuple Methods
- 17. Reference
- 18. Dictionaries and Structuring Data
- 19. Dictionary vs List
- 1a. With Python programming examples to each, explain the syntax and control flow diagrams of break and continue statements. 1b. Explain TWO ways of importing modules into application in Python with syntax and suitable programming examples. 1c. Write a function to calculate factorial of a number. Develop a program to compute binomialcoefficient (Given N and R).
- 1a] Bring out the difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller. 1b] Differentiate between CISC and RISC. 1c] With a neat architecture diagram explain the architectural features of 8051 microcontroller.
- 1a] Define algorithm. Explain asymptotic notations Big Oh, Big Omega and Big Theta notations 1b] Explain the general plan for analyzing the efficiency of a recursive algorithm. Suggest a recursive algorithm to find factorial of number. Derive its efficiency 1c] If t1(n) ∈ O(g1(n)) and t2(n) ∈ O(g2(n)), then show that t1(n) + t2(n) ∈ O(max{g1(n), g2(n)}).
- 1a] Explain the types of end users with examples. 1b] What are the advantages of using DBMS? Explain. 1c] Describe the characteristics of database.
- 1a] Explain the types of end users with examples. 1b] What are the advantages of using DBMS? Explain. 1c] Describe the characteristics of database.
- 1a] Mention the difference between 1. Microcontroller and Microprocessor 2. RISC and CISC 1b] Explain the architecture of an ARM embedded device with the help of neat diagram.
- 1a] Show that the compound proposition --------- for primitive statements p, q, r is logically equivalence.
- 1a] State and explain the Cylindrical coordinate systems in detail 1b] Show that electric field intensity at a point, due to ‘n’ number of point charges, is given by E⃗ = 1 4πεo ∑ Qi Ri 2 n i=1 âRi V / m. 1c] Two point charges, Q1 = 30 μC and Q2 = -100 μC, are located at (2,0,5) and (-1,0,-2)m respectively. Find (i) force on Q1(ii) force on Q2 (iii) the magnitude of forces (iv) directions of forces
- 1a] What is a Database? Explain the three schema architecture with neat diagram. 1b] What are the advantages of using DBMS approach? Explain 1c] Explain the following terms. 1. Data Dictionary 2. Weak Entity
- 1a] With a neat architecture diagram explain the architectural features of 8051 microcontroller. 1b] Bring out the difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller.1c] With simple block diagram explain the features of 8051 microcontroller.
- 1b] Establish the validity of the following argument using the Rules of Inference: {p ∧ (p → q) ∧ (s ∨ r) ∧ (r →∼ q)} ⟶ (s ∨ t)
- 1c] For the universe of all integers, let p(x), q(x), r(x), s(x) and t(x) denote the following open statements: p(x): x>0, q(x): x is even, r(x): x is a perfect square, s(x): x is divisible by 3, t(x): x is divisible by 7. Write the following statements in symbolic form: i) At least one integer is even. ii) There exists a positive integer that is even. iii) If x is even, then x is not divisible by 3. iv) No even integer is divisible by 7. v) There exists even integer divisible by 3.
- 2. Define data structure. Explain the classification of data structure with examples
- 2. define terms
- 2. Derive EMF equation of DC generator?
- 2. Directional derivatives - formula and problems
- 2. Directional derivatives - formula and problems
- 2. Directional derivatives - formula and problems
- 2. Discuss the variants of microcomputer that are widely used today(6)
- 2. Euler's and Modified Euler's Method
- 2. Euler's and modified Euler's method - Formula and Problem
- 2. Euler's and modified Euler's method - Formula and Problem
- 2. Euler's and modified Euler's method - Formula and Problem
- 2. Explain static and dynamic hashing in detail
- 2. Explain the concept of positive feedback with a neat diagram. Show how positive feedback increases the overall gain of an amplifier.
- 2. Explain the representation of qubit using Bloch Sphere.
- 2. Explain the working principle of electrochemical sensors and mention any two application.
- 2. Explain the working principle of electrochemical sensors and mention any two application.
- 2. Form PDE by eliminating arbitrary Function
- 2. Integration by Changing the Order of Integration
- 2. Integration by Changing the Order of Integration
- 2. Integration by Changing the Order of Integration
- 2. Introduction to Conservation and Non Conservation energy.
- 2. Introduction to Lists
- 2. Newton Raphson Method
- 2. Newton Raphson Method
- 2. Newton Raphson Method
- 2. Python Basics
- 2. Show that the current through purely capacitive circuit leads the applied voltage by 90o and average power consumed is zero. Draw the wave shapes of current, voltage and power.
- 2. Sketch and explain the motion graphs for linear, easy ease, easy ease in and easy ease out cases of animation.
- 2. State and explain Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Using this principle, show that the electrons cannot reside inside the nucleus.
- 2. What is earthing? Why earthing is required? With the help of a diagram explain Plate earthing and Pipe earthing?
- 2. What is slip of an induction motor and derive expression for frequency of rotor current in terms of supply frequency.
- 2. With neat single line diagram explain the various steps of electrical power transmission and distribution system.
- 2. Write a c function for concatenation of two doubly linked list
- 2. Write a note on classification of embedded systems. Also provide applications of embedded systems. Differentiate between a general purpose computing system and embedded system.
- 2. Write a note on the following operators. i)Unary ii) Arithmetic iii) Bitwise (6)
- 2. Write c function to insert an element in a Binary Search Tree (
- 2.1 Input Devices
- 2.1 Operators in C
- 2.1.1 Arithmetic Operator
- 2.1.10 Evaluate an Expression in C
- 2.1.2 Relational Operator
- 2.1.3 Logical Operator
- 2.1.4 Unary Operator
- 2.1.5 Conditional Operator
- 2.1.6 Bitwise Operator
- 2.1.7 Assignment Operator
- 2.1.8 Comma & Sizeof Operator
- 2.1.9 Precedence & Associativity
- 2.2 Introduction
- 2.2 Output Device
- 2.2.1 Type Conversion
- 2.2.2 Type Casting
- 2.3.1 Simple if Statement
- 2.3.2 if else Statement
- 2.3.3 if else if Statement
- 2.3.4 Nested if Statement
- 2.3.5 Dangling elses problem
- 2.3.6 Switch Statement
- 2.4 coins are tossed 100 times
- 2.4.1 Types of Loops
- 2.4.2 For Loop
- 2.4.3 While Loop
- 2.4.4 Do While Loop
- 2.4.5 Difference between While & Do-While Loop
- 2.4.6 Difference between For Loop & While Loop
- 2.4.7 Nested Loops
- 2.4.8 Break & Continue Statement
- 2.4.9 Goto Statement
- 2.Define structure. Explain how structure members are accessed using dot(.) operator with example (5)
- 2.Derive the expression for energy density of radiation under thermal equilibrium condition in terms Einstein coefficient.
- 2.Distinguish between single level Directory structure and 2 level directory structure. Mention its advantages and disadvantages
- 2.excplain the types of Organic memory devices by taking p-type and n-type
- 2.excplain the types of Organic memory devices by taking p-type and n-type
- 2.Explain FIFO and Optimal Page Replacement algorithm.
- 2.Explain string input/output functions with example (5)
- 2.explain the differential metal corrosion and waterline corrosion
- 2.explain the differential metal corrosion and waterline corrosion
- 2.How to prevent the occurrence of deadlock. Explain in detail.
- 2.the joint probability distribution table for two random variable x and y is as follows:
- 2.The probabilty distribution of a finite random variable x is given by:
- 2.What are Conducting Polymers.Explain the Synthesis of polyacetylene .Mention its application
- 2.What are Conducting Polymers.Explain the Synthesis of polyacetylene .Mention its application
- 2.What are Systems calls ? Briefly explain types of System calls.
- 2.What is a function? Write a c program to find the cube of a number using function (5) What is function? Write a c program to find square of a number using function (4)
- 2.What is a rectifier? What are the different types of rectifiers?
- 2.What is interprocess communication? Explain types of IPC.
- 2.Which all the toxic materials used in manufacturing electrical and electronic products , Write there effect on environment
- 2.Which all the toxic materials used in manufacturing electrical and electronic products , Write there effect on environment
- 2.Write short note on dequeue and priority queue(
- 2] consider the following graph G (1).what type of a graph is G (2).find the pendent vertices in G (3). How many components are there in G ? (4). Find the minimum degree d(G) (5). Find the average degree d(G) (6).Draw two vertex disjoint sub-graph of G.
- 2] Define chromatic number .Prove that a graph with atleast one edge is 2-chromatic if and if it has no circuit of odd length
- 2] Define planar and non-planar graphs. State Kuratowski’s theorem. Draw Kuratowski’s two graphs.
- 2] If all the vertices in a connected graph G are of even degree, then show that G is Eulerian.
- 2] Show that a tree with n vertices has n − 1 edges.
- 20. Dictionary methods
- 21. 1) .keys()
- 21. 2) .values()
- 21. 3) .items()
- 22. .get() Method
- 23. .setdefault() Method
- 2a. Explain flow control statements in Python with a syntax and example to each. 2b. Develop a Python program to generate Fibonacci sequence of length (N). Read N from the console. 2c. Write a function named DivExp which takes TWO parameters a, b and returnsa value c (c=a/b). Write suitable assertion for a>0 in function DivExp and raisean exception for when b=0. Develop a Python program which reads two values from the console and calls afunction DivExp. 2d.Explain Local and Global Scope in Python programs. What are local and global variables? How can you force a variable in a function to refer to the global variable?
- 2a] Define a tautology. Prove that, for any propositions p, q, r the compound propositions, {(p→q)∧(q→r)}→{(p→r)} is tautology.
- 2a] Explain in detail about Current Program Status Register (CPSR). 2b] With a neat diagram, explain embedded system Hardware.
- 2a] Explain the categories of Data Models. 2b] Explain the component modules of DBMS & their interactions with diagram. 2c] What are the responsibilities of DBA & database designers?
- 2a] Explain three schema architecture. Why mappings b/w schema levels are required? 2b] Explain the different types of attributes in ER model. 2c] Explain the following. 1. Cardinality Ratio 2. Weak Entity
- 2a] Explain three schema architecture. Why mappings b/w schema levels are required? 2b] Explain the different types of attributes in ER model. 2c] Explain the following. 1. Cardinality Ratio 2. Weak Entity
- 2a] Interface 4k bytes RAM and 8k bytes ROM to 8051 microcontroller in such a way that starting address of RAM is 1000H and ROM is C000H. 2b] With function of each pin explain the pin layout of 8051 microcontroller. 2c] Define microcontroller, mention its applications.
- 2a] State Coulomb’s law of force between any two point charges and indicate the units of the quantities involved. 2b] Show that the electric field intensity at any point due to an infinite sheet of charge is independent of the distance to the point from the sheet. 2c] Two point charges, Q1 and Q2 are located at (1, 2, 0)m and (2, 0, 0)m respectively. Find the relation between the charges, Q1 and Q2 such that the total force on a unit positive charge at (-1, 1, 0) have (i). no x-component, (ii). no y-component.
- 2a] With neat diagram explain different steps in designing and analyzing an algorithm 2b] Explain the general plan for analyzing the efficiency of a non-recursive algorithm. Suggest a non-recursive algorithm to find maximum element in the list of n numbers. Derive its efficiency 2c] With the algorithm derive the worst case efficiency for Bubble sort
- 2a] With neat diagram explain the internal memory structure and programming model of 8051 microcontroller. 2b] Write an interfacing diagram 8051 microcontroller interfaced to 8k bytes of ROM and 8k bytes of RAM. 2c] Write a short note on criteria for choosing a microcontroller.
- 2b] Prove the following using laws of logic: p→(q→r)⇔(p∧q)→r.
- 2c] Give i) direct proof ii) indirect proof iii) proof by contradiction for the following statement: “if n is an odd integer then n+9 is an even integer”.
- 3. A sample analysis of examination results of 5000 students were made
- 3. a. Define 1. Wave pocket 2. Phase velocity 3. Group velocity b. write a note on Principle of Complementarity.
- 3. Angle btw 2 surfaces with problem
- 3. Angle btw 2 surfaces with problem
- 3. Angle btw 2 surfaces with problem
- 3. Compare microprocessors and microcontrollers.
- 3. Define a bit and qubit and explain the properties of qubit.
- 3. Derive an expression of armature torque developed in a D. C. motor.
- 3. Describe the doubly linked list with advantages and disadvantages. Write a c function to delete a node from a circular doubly linked list with header node
- 3. Distinguish between descriptive and inferential statistics.
- 3. Explain about Computer System Organisation with a neat diagram.
- 3. Explain the operation of three-stage ladder RC network oscillator with neat circuit diagram.
- 3. Explain the various losses in a transformer and how to minimize them?
- 3. find the mean and variance of binomial distribution
- 3. Flow controls
- 3. General Structure of Electrical Power System using Single Line Diagram.
- 3. Getting Individual Values in a List with Indexes
- 3. Newton's forward interpolation formula and problem.
- 3. Newton's forward interpolation formula and problem.
- 3. Newton's forward interpolation formula and problem.
- 3. Range-Kutta 4th order method - Formula and Problem
- 3. Range-Kutta 4th order method - Formula and Problem
- 3. Range-Kutta 4th order method - Formula and Problem
- 3. Runge - Kutta method of 4th order
- 3. Solution of PDE
- 3. What is chained hashing? Discuss its pros and cons. Construct the hash table to insert the keys: 7, 24, 18, 52, 36, 54, 11, 23 in a chained hash table of 9 memory locations. Use h(k) = k mod m
- 3. What is structure? Explain the different types of structure with example and give difference between union and structure
- 3. With block diagram explain i) hydel power generation ii) Nuclear Power Generation iii)Solar Power Generation iv) Wind Power Generation.
- 3. Write a C program to find roots of quadratic equation (8)
- 3. Write a short note on precautions against the electric shock
- 3. Write a short note on the characteristics of a computer (6)
- 3. Write the recursive search and Iterative search algorithm for a binary search tree
- 3.1 Programming Paradigm
- 3.2 Example of a Structured Programming
- 3.3 Design & Imp of Efficient program
- 3.4 Algorithm Flowchart Pseudocode
- 3.5 Types of Errors
- 3.6 Testing & Debugging Approaches
- 3.A coin was tossed 1000 times and head turns up
- 3.Define String. Explain any 4 string manipulation library function with suitable example (8) (OR) Mention various operations that can be performed on string using built-in functions. Explain any two function (8)
- 3.describe the galvanizing and Mention its application
- 3.describe the galvanizing and Mention its application
- 3.Discuss in detail about deadlock and characteristics of deadlock in detail with an example.
- 3.Discuss the various directory structures with domain as object and its implementation.
- 3.Discuss two ways of passing parameter to functions with example (8) What is a function? Explain the type of function based on parameters (6)
- 3.Explain the Health Hazardous due to explosure of e-waste
- 3.Explain the Health Hazardous due to explosure of e-waste
- 3.Explain the polymer based organic memory devices
- 3.Explain the polymer based organic memory devices
- 3.Explain the requisites and conditions of a laser system.
- 3.Explain the working principle of optical sensors and mention any two application.
- 3.Explain the working principle of optical sensors and mention any two application.
- 3.Explainthe two types of Memory allocation.
- 3.Give the syntax for declaring and initializing a union with a suitable example (6)
- 3.Integration by Changing to Polar Ordinates
- 3.Integration by Changing to Polar Ordinates
- 3.Integration by Changing to Polar Ordinates
- 3.The joint probability distribution of two discrete random variable x and y is given by:
- 3.What are Conducting polymers. EXpolain the Conduction mechanism in Polyacetylene
- 3.What are Conducting polymers. EXpolain the Conduction mechanism in Polyacetylene
- 3.What is multi threaded process? Explain four benefits and applications of multi threaded programming.
- 3.With appropriate circuit diagram, explain the working of half-wave rectifier. (both with and without capacitor filter)
- 3.With the help of circuit diagram i. Show that current lags the voltage for R-L series circuit ii. Show that current leads the voltage for R-C series circuit?
- 3.Write a function CQinsert() and CQdelete() operation on circular queue
- 3] Define chromatic polynomial and write the chromatic polynomial of a graph with n vertices
- 3] Define Hamiltonian cycle. How many edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles exist in a complete graph with 5 vertices? Draw the graph to show and specify the cycle.
- 3] If G is a simple planar Graph with atleast three vertices then show that
- 3] Prove that there are atleast two pendent vertices in a tree with or more vertices
- 3] Show that the number of vertices of odd degree in a graph is always even.
- 3a. Explain with a programming example to each: (ii) get() (iii) setdefault(). 3b. Develop suitable Python programs with nested lists to explain copy.copy( ) and copy.deepcopy( ) methods. 3c. Explain append() and index() functions with respect to lists in Python.
- 3a] Explain 5 different addressing modes of 8051 with examples. 3b] Write an assembly language program to multiply 16 bit number with 8 bit number and Store the result in memory. 3c] Write an ALP to convert a packed BCD number into two ASCII numbers. Store the result in R5 and R6 respectively.
- 3a] Explain 5 different addressing modes with example. 3b] Write an ALP to convert a packed BCD number into two ASCII numbers. Store the result in R5 and R6 respectively. 3c] List and explain bit level logical instructions in 8051.
- 3a] Explain different arithmetic instructions in ARM processor with an example. 3b] Explain single register load store addressing mode syntax, table, index mode with an example.
- 3a] Explain the concept of divide and conquer. Design an algorithm for merge sort and derive its time complexity 3b] Design an insertion sort algorithm and obtain its time complexity. Apply insertion sort on these elements. 25,75,40,10,20,
- 3a] Explain the different Relational Model constraints. 3b] Demonstrate the concepts of Generalization & Specialization with examples. 3c] Explain Entity Integrity Constraint & Referential Integrity Constraints? Why each of these is important in a database.
- 3a] Explain the different Relational Model constraints. 3b] Demonstrate the concepts of Generalization & Specialization with examples. 3c] Explain Entity Integrity Constraint & Referential Integrity Constraints? Why each of these is important in a database.
- 3a] Explain the different types of update operations on relational database. How basic operation deals with constraint violation. 3b] Explain Unary relational operations with examples. 3c] What is an Intgrity Constraint? Explain the importance of Referential Integrity Constraint.
- 3a] Prove that 1 2 + 32 + 52 + ⋯ . +(2n − 1) 2 = n(2n+1)(2n−1) 3 by Mathematical Induction. 3b]Let a0 = 1, a1 = 2, a2 = 3 and an = an−1 + an−2 + an−3 for n≥3. Prove that an ≤ 3n ∀ n ∈ z+. 3c] Find the number of ways of arrangement of the letters of the word ‘TALLAHASSEE’ which have no adjacent A’s.
- 3a] State and prove Gauss’s law for point charge. 3b] A point charge, Q = 90 μC is located at the origin and there are surface charge distributions −8 μC /m2 at r = 1 m and 4.5 μC/m2 at r = 2 m. Find D⃗ everywhere. 3c] Calculate the divergence of D at the point specified if (i) D⃗ = (1/z2 )[10xyz âx +5x2 z ây + (2z3−5x2 y) âz] at P(−2, 3, 5) (ii) D⃗ = 5z2âr+ 10 r z âzat P(3, −450 , 5) (iii) D⃗ = 2 r sinθ sin Φ âr + r cosθ sin Φ âθ+ r cosΦ âΦ at P(3, 450 , 450 )
- 4. Application of Double and Triple Integration - area and volume problem
- 4. Application of Double and Triple Integration - area and volume problem
- 4. Application of Double and Triple Integration - area and volume problem
- 4. Bring out the differences between RISC and CISC, Harvard & Von-Neumann.
- 4. Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of transformer ?
- 4. Explain in detail about paging in memory management scheme.
- 4. Explain the various methods used to control the speed of D.C. series motor ?
- 4. Explain the Wave function with mathematical form and Discuss the physical significance of a wave function.
- 4. Explain the writing principle of fuse and MCB
- 4. For the circuit shown resistor in fig (i) find the current in 20 resistor
- 4. For the given data, draw a binary search tree and show the array and linked representation of the same
- 4. For the given sparse matrix, write the diagrammatic linked list representation
- 4. Functions
- 4. Hydroelectric Powerplant
- 4. Illustrate the odd rule and odd rule multipliers with a suitable example.
- 4. List and explain the functions supported in C for dynamic memory allocation
- 4. List any three input and three output devices of a computer and explain any one each(5)
- 4. Milne's predictor and Corrector formula
- 4. Milne's Predictor and Corrector method - Formula and Problems.
- 4. Milne's Predictor and Corrector method - Formula and Problems.
- 4. Milne's Predictor and Corrector method - Formula and Problems.
- 4. Negative Indexes
- 4. Newton's divided difference formula and problems.
- 4. Newton's divided difference formula and problems.
- 4. Newton's divided difference formula and problems.
- 4. obtain the mean and variable of poisson distribution
- 4. Problems on Basis, Dimension, Linearly Dependent and Independent
- 4. Solinoidal and irrotational- formula and problems
- 4. Solinoidal and irrotational- formula and problems
- 4. Solinoidal and irrotational- formula and problems
- 4. State the Pauli matrices and apply Pauli matrices on the states |0⟩ and |1 ⟩ .
- 4. Three coils having resistance of 10Ω and inductance of 0.02H are connected in star across 440V, 50Hz three phase supply. Calculate the line current, power factor and total power consumed
- 4. What is dynamic hashing? Explain the following techniques with examples i) Dynamic hashing using directories ii) Directory less dynamic hashing
- 4. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of Wien bridge oscillator using op-amp.
- 4.1 Introduction to C
- 4.10 Character sets in C
- 4.11 Keywords in C
- 4.12 Identifiers in C
- 4.13 Datatypes in C
- 4.14 Variables in C
- 4.15 Constants
- 4.16 Formatted Input/output statements : Scanf & Printf
- 4.2 Characteristics & Uses of C
- 4.3 Taxonomy of C
- 4.4 Structure of C
- 4.5 Writing first C Code
- 4.6 files used in C
- 4.7 Compiling & Executing C Program
- 4.8 Using Comments
- 4.9 C Tokens
- 4.Differentiate structure and union with syntax and example (6) (OR) How union is different from struct. Give example?
- 4.Explain in detail about multiple processor scheduling.
- 4.Explain Switch Statement with Syntax and example (7)
- 4.Explain the corrosion control by anodization and sacrificial anodic method
- 4.Explain the corrosion control by anodization and sacrificial anodic method
- 4.Explain the difference between gets() and scanf() functions (4) (OR) Explain gets()and puts() function with example (6)
- 4.Explain the OS services for users and efficient operation of system.
- 4.Explain the working principle of an electrochemical sensor in the detection of Dissolved oxygen
- 4.Explain the working principle of an electrochemical sensor in the detection of Dissolved oxygen
- 4.Explain tree structure directory. List the different operations performed on a directory.
- 4.In 324 throws of a six faced die an odd number
- 4.llustrate the construction and working of Semiconductor LASER with a neat sketch and energy level diagram also mention its applications.
- 4.table gives the number of aircraft accidents
- 4.the joint probability distribution of two discrete random variables x and y is :
- 4.what are photoactive and Electreo active materials and Explain the working principles of these in the display system
- 4.what are photoactive and Electreo active materials and Explain the working principles of these in the display system
- 4.What are solor or Photovoltaic cells .Explain the Construction,Working of Photovoltaic cells .Mention any four Advantages and Disadvantages
- 4.What are solor or Photovoltaic cells .Explain the Construction,Working of Photovoltaic cells .Mention any four Advantages and Disadvantages
- 4.What is function? Explain the difference between call by value and call by reference (6) Differentiate between call by value and call by reference. Using suitable example (8)
- 4.What is linked list. List and explain the different types of linked list with examples
- 4.What is synchronization? Explain the critical section problem.
- 4.With appropriate circuit diagram, explain the working of two diode full-wave rectifier. Draw the input and output waveforms. (both with and without capacitor filter)
- 4.Write a brief note on rofe of stakeholders for Example ;Producer, Consumers, recyclers and stationary bodies
- 4.Write a brief note on rofe of stakeholders for Example ;Producer, Consumers, recyclers and stationary bodies
- 4] Define spanning tree. show that Every connected graph contains a spanning tree
- 4] Draw the Graph that has a Hamiltonian path put does not have a Hamiltonian circuit.
- 4] Find the chromatic polynomial of the given graph and also chromatic number
- 4] Prove that planar Graph contains a vertex of degree atmost 5
- 4] Show that the maximum number of edges in a simple graph with n vertices is n(n – 1)/2 .
- 4a. Explain different ways to delete an element from a list with suitable Python syntax and programming examples. 4b.Read a multi-digit number (as chars) from the console. Develop a program to print the frequency of each digit with suitable message. 4c. Tuples are immutable. Explain with Python programming example.
- 4a] Consider the Sailors-Boats-Reserves DB described s (sid, sname, rating, age) b (bid, bname, color) r (sid, bid, date) Write each of the following queries in SQL. 1. Find the colors of boats reserved by Alber. 2. Find all sailor ids of sailors who have a rating of at least 8 or reserved boat 103. 3. Find the names of sailors who have not reserved a boat whose name contains the string “storm”. Order the names in ascending order. 4. Find the sailor ids of sailors with age over 20 who have not reserved a boat whose name includes the string “thunder” 4b] Discuss the Equijoin & Natural Join with suitable example. 4c] Explain the relational algebra operation for set theory with examples.
- 4a] Consider the Sailors-Boats-Reserves DB described s (sid, sname, rating, age) b (bid, bname, color) r (sid, bid, date) Write each of the following queries in SQL. 1. Find the colors of boats reserved by Alber. 2. Find all sailor ids of sailors who have a rating of at least 8 or reserved boat 103. 3. Find the names of sailors who have not reserved a boat whose name contains the string “storm”. Order the names in ascending order. 4. Find the sailor ids of sailors with age over 20 who have not reserved a boat whose name includes the string “thunder” 4b] Discuss the Equijoin & Natural Join with suitable example. 4c] Explain the relational algebra operation for set theory with examples.
- 4a] Define assembler directives. With example explain all the assembler directives supported by 8051 microcontroller. 4b] Write an ALP to convert a Binary number to packed BCD number (hexadecimal to decimal). The binary number is stored at 40h location. Store the converted packed BCD number at 50h and 51h internal RAM location. 4c] With neat diagram explain the range of JUMP instructions
- 4a] Determine the coefficient of xyz 2 in the expansion of (2x − y − z) 4 . 4b] In how many ways one can distribute 8 identical marbles in 4 distinct containers so that i) no container is empty ii) the fourth container has an odd number of marbles in it. 4c] How many positive integers n can we form using the digits 3,4,4,5,5,6,7 if we want n to exceed 5,000,000?
- 4a] Explain barrel shifter instructions in ARM with suitable examples. 4b] Explain different Logical instructions in ARM processor with an example.
- 4a] Explain Strassen’s matrix multiplication and derive its time complexity 4b] Design an algorithm for quick sort algorithm. Apply quick sort on these elements. 25,75,40,10,20,05,15
- 4a] Explain the following relational algebra operation. JOIN, DIFFERENCE, SELECT, UNION. 4b] Discuss the E.R to Relational mapping algorithm with example for each step. 4c] Explain the relational algebra operation for set theory with examples.
- 4a] State & prove Divergence theorem. 4b] Obtain an expression for electric field intensity due to an infinite line charge along z- axis having a uniform charge of ρL C/m using Gauss’s law. 4c] Given D⃗ = 0.3 r2 ar nC/m2 in free space, (a) find E⃗ at P( 2, 25o , 90o ) (b) find the total charge within the sphere, r = 3. (c) Find the total electric flux leaving the sphere, r = 4, m.
- 4a] Write an assembly language program to add two 16 bit numbers loaded in R1R0 and R3R2. Store the result in R6, R5 and R4 from MSB to LSB. 4b] Explain Rotate instructions with examples. 4c] Explain the following instructions, also mention how many bytes it takes to store in ROM: 1. DJNZ Rn, R_ADDRESS 2. JNC R_ADDRESS 3. DA A 4. MOVX A, @A+
- 5. A 4 pole D.C. shunt motor takes 25A from a 250V supply. The armature and field resistances are 0.5Ω and 125Ω respectively. The wave wound armature has 30 slots and each slot containing 10 conductors. If the flux per pole is 0.02wb, calculate i) speed ii) torque developed iii) power developed.
- 5. A circuit of two parallel resistors having resistances of 200 and 300 connected in series with 152. If the current through 150 resistor is 3A. Find i) current in 200 and 300 resistors ii) voltage across the whole circuit iii) the total power and power consumed in all resistors.
- 5. Consider a hash table of size 10. Using linear probing, insert the keys 72, 27, 36, 24, 63, 81, 92, and 101 into the table
- 5. Construct binary search tree for the given set of values 14, 15, 4, 9, 7, 18, 3, 5, 16, 20. Also perform inorder, preorder, and postorder traversal of the obtained tree
- 5. Definitions of various matrices.
- 5. Describe Jumping and parts of jump.
- 5. Develop an algorithm to find the area and perimeter of a circle. Also define an algorithm(6)
- 5. Discuss the applications of LASER
- 5. Explain Copy on Write technique in virtual memory management .
- 5. Explain with syntax, if ,if-else & cascaded if else statements in C program
- 5. Getting Sublists with Slices
- 5. Mention the classification of embedded systems based on complexity and performance.
- 5. Nuclear Powerplant
- 5. Out of 800 families with 4 children each how many familes would be expected to have
- 5. Setup Schrodinger time- independent wave equation in one dimension.
- 5. Trapezoidal rule and Simpsons rule - Formula and Problems
- 5. Trapezoidal rule and Simpsons rule - Formula and Problems
- 5. Trapezoidal rule and Simpsons rule - Formula and Problems
- 5. With a neat circuit diagram and waveforms, describe the operation of crystal controlled oscillator.
- 5. With neat circuit diagram and switching table explain two way and three way control of load?
- 5. With neat diagram explain the types of three phase induction motor
- 5. Write a c program to demonstrate the basic operations on arrays
- 5.A fair coin is tossed thrice ,the random variables x and y are defined as:
- 5.a random sample for 1000 workers in company
- 5.Describe the application of Electrochemical sensors for the detection of SOx and NOx
- 5.Describe the application of Electrochemical sensors for the detection of SOx and NOx
- 5.Discuss the general syntax of structure variable declaration of structure to store book information (7)
- 5.Explain about Sources,compostion and Charecteristics of e-waste
- 5.Explain about Sources,compostion and Charecteristics of e-waste
- 5.Explain different types of schedulers.
- 5.Explain the concept of Virtual Machine,Non Virtual Machine
- 5.Explain with diagram any 2 disk scheduling method in detail.
- 5.the mean valve of a random sample of 60 item was found to be 145
- 5.what are nanomaterials .explain the any four properties of poly(n-vinyl carbozole)PVK-used for optoelectronic devices
- 5.what are nanomaterials .explain the any four properties of poly(n-vinyl carbozole)PVK-used for optoelectronic devices
- 5.what are Reference electrode .Explain the construction, working and application of calomel electrode
- 5.what are Reference electrode .Explain the construction, working and application of calomel electrode
- 5.What is a tree .with suitable example define
- 5.What is race condition?
- 5.With neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the working of a full wave bridge rectifier. (both with and without capacitor filter)
- 5.Write a c function for the following operations on linked list
- 5.Write a C program to swapping of 2 numbers using call by reference and call by value (6)
- 5.Write a program to compare two strings without using built-in function(6) (OR) Develop a C program to concatenate 2 strings without using built-in function (6)(OR) Write a c program to implement string copy operation STRCOPY(str1,str2) that copies a string str1 to another string str2 without using library function (6)
- 5] Define Matching and complete matching. Obtain two complete matching from the given graph.
- 5] Distinguish between Complete graph and Complete Bipartite graph.
- 5] Draw the Geometric Dual of the given graph
- 5] Find the number of tree branches and chords in the following graph with 7 vertices and 14 edges.
- 5] prove that in the complete graph with n vertices where n is an odd number and greater than (or) equal to 3 then there are (n-1)/2 edge disjoint Hamilton cycle.
- 5a ] Define AVL Trees. Explain its four rotation types 5b] Construct bottom up heap for the list 2,9,7,6,5,8. Obtain its time complexity
- 5a. Explain Python string handling methods with examples: split(), endswith(), ljust(), center(), lstrip(). 5b. Explain reading and saving python program variables using shelve module with suitable Python program. 5c. Develop a Python program to read and print the contents of a text file.
- 5a] Derive expression for potential and capacitance between the planes at z=0 and z=d if the potential v = V1 and v = V2 respectively using Laplace’s equation. 5b] If potential of V = x2yz + Ay3 z Volts, i) find A so that the Laplace’s equation is satisfied. ii) With that value A, determine the electric field at a point p whose coordinates are (2, 1, -1). 5c] There exists a potential of V = -2.5 volts on a conductor at0.02 m and V = 15 volts at r = 0.35 m. Determine E and D by solving the Laplace’s equation in spherical coordinates representing the potential system.
- 5a] Explain code optimization, profiling and cycle counting. 5b] Write a C program that prints the square of the integers between 0 to 9 using functions and explain how to convert this C function to an assembly function with command.
- 5a] Explain mod 2 operations of timers and explain steps involved in programming timer in mod 2. 5b] Analyze the structure of TMOD register. 5c] Explain RS232 standard and 9 pin DB connector
- 5a] Explain the bit contents of TCON and TMOD registers. 5b] Write an assembly language program to transfer multi-byte data serially with 9600 baud rate. 5c] Explain how timers are programmed in mode 1.
- 5a] Explain the Cursor & its properties in embedded SQL with an example. 5b] What is a Normalization? Explain the 1NF, 2NF & 3NF with examples. 5c] Explain informal design guidelines for relational schema design.
- 5a] Explain the Cursor & its properties in embedded SQL with an example. 5b] What is a Normalization? Explain the 1NF, 2NF & 3NF with examples. 5c] Explain informal design guidelines for relational schema design.
- 5a] Illustrate insert, delete, update, alter & drop commands in SQL. 5b] Explain informal design guidelines for relational schema design. 5c] What is Functional dependency? Explain the inference rules for functional dependency with proof.
- 5a] Let f: R → R be defined by, f(x) = { 3x − 5 if x > 0 1 − 3x if x ≤ 0 . Find f −1(0), f−1(1), f−1(−1), f−1(3), f−1(6), f −1([−6, 5]) and f −1([−5, 5]) 5b] State Pigeon hole principle. Prove that in any set of 29 persons; at least 5 persons have been born on the same day of the week. 5c] Let A={1,2,3,4,6} and ‘R’ be a relation on ‘A’ defined by aRb if and only if “a is multiple of b” represent the relation ‘R’ as a matrix, draw the diagraph and relation R.
- 6. A random sample of size 64 is taken
- 6. A three phase induction motor with 4 poles is supplied from the alternator having 6 poles running at 1000rpm. Calculate synchronous speed, rotor speed of the induction motor when slip is 0.04 and frequency of the rotor emf when the speed is 600rpm.
- 6. Consider a hash table of size 10. Using quadratic probing, insert the keys 72, 27, 36, 24, 63, 81, and 101 into the table. Take c1 = 1 and c2 = 3
- 6. Construct a binary search tree by using the following in-order and post-order traversals
- 6. Define Acceptance angle and Numerical Aperture and hence derive an expression for NA in terms of RIs core, cladding and surrounding.
- 6. Discuss the motion of a quantum particle in a one-dimensional infinite potential well of width ‘a’ and also obtain the eigen functions and energy eigen states well (potential well of infinite depth) or of a particle in a box Or Explain Eigen functions and Eigen Values and hence derive the eigen function of a particle inside infinite potential well of width ‘a’ using the method of normalization.
- 6. Discuss the salient features of Normal distribution using bell curves.
- 6. Explain any four string handling functions supported by c with syntax and example
- 6. Explain Orthogonality and Orthonormality with an example for each.
- 6. Explain the significance of back EMF? Explain characteristics of DC shunt motor?
- 6. Getting a list using .len function in python
- 6. How does Virtual memory management contribute to system performance and multi-tasking.
- 6. Solar Powerplant
- 6. Using suitable diagram, explain instrumentation and control systems.
- 6. What are multivibrators? Mention the different types of it.
- 6. Write a c program to find area and perimeter of a rectangle (5)
- 6.Consider the foloowing tree.Write the inorder, preorder , and post traversals for the tree T along with C functions.Also find the depth of the tree T
- 6.Define Ackerman function recursively and evaluate A(3,0). Also, develop c code for the same
- 6.Define probability vector ,regular stochastic matrix,fixed prob vector.
- 6.Develop a C program to find the largest of three numbers using pointer (6)
- 6.Distinguish between the break and continue statement (6)
- 6.Explain the extraction of Gold from the e-waste
- 6.Explain the extraction of Gold from the e-waste
- 6.Explain the working principle ofThermometric(Flame Photometry) and mention any Two applications
- 6.Explain the working principle ofThermometric(Flame Photometry) and mention any Two applications
- 6.Explain VM ware architecture.What is system Boot .
- 6.IN exit poll enquire it was revealted that 600 voters
- 6.Show how structure variables are passed as parameter to a function with example (5) (OR) Write a c program to pass structure variable as function argument (7)
- 6.the number of accidents in a year to taxi drivers in a city follows a posson distribution with mean 3.out of 1000 taxi drivers find approximately numbers of drivers with
- 6.what are Ion Selective electrode. Explain the determination of PH by using Glass electrode
- 6.what are Ion Selective electrode. Explain the determination of PH by using Glass electrode
- 6.what are Optoelectronic Devices .Explain the Properties Application of P3HT for optoelectronic devices
- 6.what are Optoelectronic Devices .Explain the Properties Application of P3HT for optoelectronic devices
- 6.What are the necessary scheduling criteria
- 6.What is file? Explain the different file attributes and file operations.
- 6.What is semaphores? Briefly explain the Dining-philosophers problem.
- 6.With circuit diagram explain the voltage multiplier (i.e., Voltage Doubler, Voltage Tripler).
- 6.Write a c program to check a number is prime or not using recursion (5)
- 6.Write a neat sketch and explain the generation of Hydrogen by Alkaline electrolysis of water
- 6.Write a neat sketch and explain the generation of Hydrogen by Alkaline electrolysis of water
- 6] Define Covering and minimal covering of a graph. Obtain two minimal coverings from the given graph.
- 6] Define Fundamental Circuit. If G is a graph with n vertices and q edges, then find the number of fundamental circuits in the graph.
- 6] Verify whether the following graphs are isomorphic or not.
- 6a. Explain Python string handling methods with examples: join(), startswith() ,rjust(), strip(), rstrip(). 6b. Explain with suitable Python program segments: (i) os.path.basename() (ii)os.path.join(). 6c. Develop a Python program find the total size of all the files in the given directory.
- 6a] Consider two sets of functional dependency. F={AC, ACD, EAD, EH} E= {ACD, EAH}. Are they Equivalent? 6b] Explain the types of update anomalies in SQL with an example.
- 6a] Define heap. Explain the properties of heap along with its representation. 6b] Design Horspools algorithm for string matching. Apply Horspools algorithm to find the pattern BARBER in the text: JIM_SAW_ME_IN_A_BARBERSHOP
- 6a] Derivation of Ampere’s Circuital Law in point form using Strokes theorem. 6b] Derive Poisson’s and Laplace equations and writ Laplace equation in cylindrical and polar coordinates. 6c] Long concentric and right conducting cylinders in free space, at r = 5 mm and r = 25 mm in cylindrical coordinates have voltages of zero and Vo respectively. If the electric field intensity, E⃗ = -8.28×103âr at r = 15 mm, find Vo and the charge density on the outer conductor by using Laplace’s equation.
- 6a] Discuss how registers are allocated to optimize the program. 6b] Develop an ALP to find the sum of first 10 integer numbers.
- 6a] Explain the bit pattern of SCON register with diagram. 6b] Assuming XTAL frequency as 11.0592Mhz, write a program to generate 4Khz square wave on P2.1. Use timer 0 in model show all the calculations. 6c] Explain RS232 in serial communication using 8051 microcontroller
- 6a] If f:A→B, g:B→C, h:C→D are three functions, then Prove that h∘(g∘f)=(h∘g)∘f. 6b] Show that if n+1 numbers are chosen from 1 to 2n then at least one pair add to 2n+1. 6c] Draw the Hasse diagram representing the positive divisors of 72.
- 6a] What is Functional Dependency? Write algorithm to find minimal cover for set of Functional Dependency. Construct the minimal cover m for set of functional dependency. E={ BA, DA, ABD}. 6b] Explain the types of update anomalies in SQL with an example.
- 6a] What is Functional Dependency? Write algorithm to find minimal cover for set of Functional Dependency. Construct the minimal cover m for set of functional dependency. E={ BA, DA, ABD}. 6b] Explain the types of update anomalies in SQL with an example.
- 6a] Write a C program to transfer "YES" serially at 9600 baud rate, 8 bit data, 1 stop bit, do this continuously. 6b] Analyze the structure of TCON register . 6c] Explain full duplex, half duplex and simplex in serial communication
- 7. A binary tree has 9 nodes. The inorder and preorder traversals yield the following sequences of nodes:
- 7. Changing the value in a list with the index in python
- 7. Define the leftist tree. Give its declaration in C. Check whether the given binary tree is a leftist tree or not. Explain your answer
- 7. Define Thrashing in context of virtual memory . What are the causes of Thrashing and how can it be mitigated.
- 7. Discuss the types of optical fibers based on Modes of Propagation and RI profile.
- 7. Draw a flowchart and C program which takes as input p,t,r. Compute the simple interest and display the result(6)
- 7. Elucidate the importance of size & scale and weight and strength in animations.
- 7. Explain Single qubit gate and multiple qubit gate with an example for each.
- 7. Illustrate Nested loops in C with suitable example (6)
- 7. in factory producing blades the probality of any blade are supllied in packets of 10,usiing poission distribution determine the number of packet containing
- 7. show that p= is a regular stochastic matrix.also find the associated unique fixed probability vector
- 7. Ten individuals are chosen at random from a population and their heights
- 7. What is Sparse matrix? Write the ADT of Sparse matrix. Give the triplet form of a given matrix and also find its transpose
- 7. Wind Powerplant
- 7. With suitable circuit diagram, explain single stage astable multivibrator using operational amplifier.
- 7. Write a note on transducers. Explain one type of sensor and actuator with its operation.
- 7.Briefly explain multiprogramming and time sharing or Multitasking.
- 7.Differentiate single(SLL) and double(DLL) linked list
- 7.Differentiate single(SLL) and Doubly(DLL) linked list
- 7.Explain the Readers-writers problem..
- 7.Explain the working of recursion with suitable example (OR) Illustrate the concept of recursive function with example (6) (OR) Write a c program to find factorial of a function using recursion (4)
- 7.Explain theydrometallergival and pyrometallurgical methodes involved in the Extraction of e-waste
- 7.Explain theydrometallergival and pyrometallurgical methodes involved in the Extraction of e-waste
- 7.Give an overview of Mass storage structure with neat diagram.
- 7.Implement structures to read, write and compute average- marks of the students, list the students scoring above and below the average marks for a class of N students (6)
- type of aircraft is founded to develop engine
- 7.what are Ion Selective electrode. Explain the determination of PH by using Glass electrode
- 7.what are Ion Selective electrode. Explain the determination of PH by using Glass electrode
- 7.what are liquid crystals, Explain the classification of the liquid crystals
- 7.what are liquid crystals, Explain the classification of the liquid crystals
- 7.What is a string? Write a c program that reads a sentence and prints the frequency of each of the vowel and total count of consonants (6)
- 7.What is voltage regulator? With neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a voltage regulator using Zener diode.
- 7.Write a neat sketch and explain the generation of hydrogen by proton exchange membran or polymer electrolyte ion exchange membrane electrolysis of water
- 7.Write a neat sketch and explain the generation of hydrogen by proton exchange membran or polymer electrolyte ion exchange membrane electrolysis of water
- 7.Write a note on disposable Sensors. Explain the Detection of Glyphosate by using Electrochemical sensor.
- 7.Write a note on disposable Sensors. Explain the Detection of Glyphosate by using Electrochemical sensor.
- 7.Write Gantt chart and solve average WT and TAT
- 7] Define Vertex connectivity and Edge connectivity, cut-set and fundamental cut-set
- 7] Determine whether the following graphs are isomorphic (or) not
- 7] Prove that an n -vertex graph is a tree if and only if its chromatic polynomial is Pn (λ) = λ(λ − 1)n−1 .
- 7a. Explain permanent delete and safe delete with a suitable Python programming example to each. 7b. Develop a program to backing Up a given Folder (Folder in a current working directory) into a ZIP File by using relevant modules and suitable methods. 7c. Explain the role of Assertions in Python with a suitable program.
- 7a] Construct minimum cost spanning tree using Kruskals algorithm for the following graph. 7b] What are Huffman Trees? Construct the Huffman tree for the following data.
- 7a] Demonstrate the Database Transaction with transaction diagram. 7b] Demonstrate working of Assertion & Triggers in SQL? Explain with an example.
- 7a] Demonstrate the Database Transaction with transaction diagram. 7b] Demonstrate working of Assertion & Triggers in SQL? Explain with an example.
- 7a] Demonstrate transaction states & additional operations. 7b] Demonstrate working of Assertion & Triggers in database? Explain with an example.
- 7a] Explain how interrupt priority can be changed using IP register. Also explain the default priorities assigned to interrupts in 8051 microcontroller. 7b] Explain how programming of external hardware interrupts is done in 8051 microcontrollers with a code. 7c] Explain programming of timer interrupts.
- 7a] Explain the structure of Interrupt priority and interrupt enable register .7b] Analyze Interrupt control used in 8051. 7c] Explain how multiple interrupts are handled in 8051 microcontroller
- 7a] In how many ways the 26 letters of English alphabet are permuted so that none of the pattern’s CAR, DOG, PUN or BYTE occurs 7b] Define Derangement. In how many ways can each of 10 people select a left glove and a right glove out of a total of 10 pairs of gloves so that no person selects a matching pair of gloves? 7c] Solve the recurrence relation: Cn = 3Cn−1 − 2Cn−2, for n ≥ 2, given C1 = 5, C2 = 3.
- 7a] State and Explain the force between differential Current Elements. 7b] Find the force per meter length between two long parallel wires separated by 10cm in air and carrying current of 100A in opposite direction state the nature of force between wires. 7c] Find magnetization in a magnetic material where, (i)μ = 1.8X10−5 ( H m ) and M = 120 (H m ). (ii) μr = 22, there are 8.3X1028 atoms/m3 and each atom has dipole moment of 4.5X10−27 (A.M2 ) and (iii) B=300(μT) and Xm=15.
- 7a] With a neat diagram explain ARM processor exceptions and modes. 7b] Explain assigning interrupts and interrupt latency.
- 8. DC Circuits (Ohm's law, KVL, KCL)
- 8. Define min Leftist tree. Meld the given min leftist trees
- 8. Define Pointers. How to declare and initialize pointers, explain with example
- 8. Define Pseudocode. Write a pseudocode to find sum and average of 3 numbers (5)
- 8. Define the following terminologies with examples:
- 8. Describe attenuation and explain the various fiber losses.
- 8. Explain the operation of an LED with neat diagram. Mention its applications.
- 8. Mention the general pattern of monte Carlo method and hence determine the value of π.
- 8. the following data relate to the marks obtained by 11 students
- 8. Using Operator in lists
- 8. What is an operational amplifier? Sketch the circuit symbol for an operational amplifier. Label each of the connections.
- 8. What is Fragmentation ? Briefly explain its types.
- 8. Write a C program to print whether a given number is palindrome or not (7)
- 8.A random varibles x has the following density function
- 8.Before an increase in excise duty on tea
- 8.Define Pointer. Explain pointer variable declaration and initialization with suitable example (10)
- 8.Differentiate between gets() and f gets() (6)
- 8.Differentiate single(SLL) and Doubly(DLL) linked list
- 8.Explain Access Matrix method of system protection with domain as object and its implementation.
- 8.Explain different methods to recover from deadlocks.
- 8.Explain the detection of dichlofenac by using electrochemical sensors
- 8.Explain the detection of dichlofenac by using electrochemical sensors
- 8.Explain the Matrix representation of 0 and 1 States and apply identity operator I to |0> and |1> states
- 8.List out the User views and system views of the OS
- 8.Mention any four properties and application of OLED
- 8.Mention any four properties and application of OLED
- 8.polymer problem
- 8.polymer problem
- 8.What is an amplifier? Explain different types of amplifier.
- 8.What is Concentration Cell and problem related to concentration cell
- 8.What is Concentration Cell and problem related to concentration cell
- 8.What is recursion? Write a c program to compute polynomial ncr using recursion (4)
- 8.Write the function for :1)finding the length of the list 2)concatenation two list 3)Reverse the list
- 8] Define Walk and their classification with example
- 8] State and prove Five color theorem.
- 8a. Explain the functions with examples: (i) shutil.copytree() (ii) shutil.move()(iii) shutil.rmtree(). 8b. Develop a Python program to traverse the current directory by listing subfolders and files. 8c. Explain the support for Logging with logging module in Python.
- 8a] Apply Dijkstra’s algorithm to find single source shortest path for the given graph by considering S as the source vertex. 8b] Define transitive closure of a graph. Apply Warshalls algorithm to compute transitive closure of a directed graph
- 8a] Briefly explain what happens when an IRQ and FIQ exception is raised with an ARM processor. 8b] Explain firmware execution flow and explain Red Hat RedBoot.
- 8a] Demonstrate the System Log in database transaction. 8b] Demonstrate the ACID properties of database transaction. 8c] Explain stored procedure language in SQL with an example.
- 8a] Demonstrate the System Log in database transaction. 8b] Demonstrate the ACID properties of database transaction. 8c] Explain stored procedure language in SQL with an example.
- 8a] Demonstrate the System Log in database transaction. 8b] Discuss the ACID properties of database transaction. 8c] Explain stored procedure language in SQL with an example.
- 8a] Explain the bit contents of IE register. 8b] Write a C program using interrupts to generate a square wave on port pin P1.2 of 1kHz using timer-0 in mode 2. c] Explain programming of serial communication interrupts
- 8a] In how many ways one can arrange the letters of the word CORRESPONDENTS so that there are i) exactly 2 pairs of consecutive identical letters? ii) at least 3 pairs of consecutive identical letters? iii) no pair of consecutive identical letters? 8b] Find the rook polynomial for the chess board as shown in the figure 8c] Solve the recurrence relation an+2 − 3an+1 + 2an = 0, a0 = 1, a1 = 6.
- 8a] List the steps involved in executing an interrupt. 8b] Explain interrupt vector table of 8051 microcontroller. 8c] Explain the steps involved in Programming Serial Communication Interrupts
- 8a] Write short notes Magnetic Boundary Conditions. 8b] Derive the equations for Magnetic circuits with suitable diagram. 8c] A conductor 4m long lies along the y-axis with a current of 10A in the ⃗a⃗⃗⃗y direction. Find the force on the conductor if the field in the region is (in region is ) B⃗ = 0.005a⃗⃗⃗⃗x Tesla.
- 9. A Linear Operator ’X’ operates such that X |0⟩ = |1⟩ and X |1⟩= |0⟩ Find the matrix representation of ’X’.
- 9. Define double ended priority queue and min-max heap. Explain Insertion and Deletion in a min- max heap with example
- 9. Define graph. For the given graph show the adjacency matrix and adjacency list representation of the graph
- 9. Define stack. List and explain the various operations on stacks using arrays with stack overflow and stack underflow conditions
- 9. Describe the calculation of Push time and stop time with examples.
- 9. Differentiate between while and do while loop (6)
- 9. Explain in detail the working of TLB.
- 9. Explain the various parameters of operational amplifier.
- 9. Explain the working of a 7-segment LED with necessary diagrams.
- 9. Problems
- 9. Removing values from lists with 'del' statement in python
- 9. Three boys A<B<C are throwing ball to each other .
- 9. What is variable? What are the rules to construct variable? Classify the following as valid/invalid Identifiers(8)
- 9.DefineThreaded binary tree.List its advantages and disadvantages. draw the one way threading and two-way threading of the following binary tree
- 9.Describe the terms: Gain, Input resistance, Output resistance, Phase shift, Bandwidth of amplifier.
- 9.Discuss Point to Point communication using optical fibers.
- 9.Explain structure within a structure with example (7) (OR) Explain array of structure and structure within a structure with example (6)
- 9.Explain the detection of Ascarbic acid by using Electrochemical sensors
- 9.Explain the detection of Ascarbic acid by using Electrochemical sensors
- 9.Explain the difference between a null pointer and a void pointer (4)
- 9.Explain the different OS structures with neat diagram.
- a certain town the duration of a shower exponentially distributed with mean 5 minute .what is the probaility that a shower will last for
- 9.Mention any four properties and application of QLED
- 9.Mention any four properties and application of QLED
- 9.What are Concentration cell. Explain the construction and working of concentration cell
- 9.What are Concentration cell. Explain the construction and working of concentration cell
- 9.What is an array? Explain the declaration and initialization of one dimensional and two-dimensional arrays with an example (8) (OR) What is array? How to declare and initialize two-dimensional array with example (8)
- 9.Write a c function for the following operations on Circular linked list
- 9a. Explain the methods init and str with suitable code example to each. 9b. Explain the program development concept ‘prototype and patch’ with suitable example. 9c. Define a function which takes TWO objects representing complex numbers and returns new complex number with a addition of two complex numbers. Define a suitable class ‘Complex’ to represent the complex number. Develop a program to read N (N >=2) complex numbers and to compute the addition of N complex numbers.
- 9a] Demonstrate the Two phase locking protocol used for concurrency control. 9b] Demonstrate the Concurrency control based on Timestamp ordering. 9c]Why Concurrency control is needed? Demonstrate with an example.
- 9a] Demonstrate the Two phase locking protocol used for concurrency control. 9b] Demonstrate the Concurrency control based on Timestamp ordering. 9c]Why Concurrency control is needed? Demonstrate with an example.
- 9a] Explain the basic architecture of cache memory. 9b] Explain how main memory maps to a cache memory.
- 9a] Explain the following with examples i) P problem ii) NP Problem iii) NP- Complete problem iv) NP – Hard Problems 9b] What is backtracking? Apply backtracking to solve the below instance of sum of subset problem S={5,10,12,13,15,18} d=30
- 9a] Explain the Two phase locking protocol used for concurrency control. 9b] Define Schedule? Illustrate with an example. 9c] Why Concurrency control is needed? Demonstrate with an example.
- 9a] If H, K are subgroups of a group G, prove that H ∩ K is also a subgroup of G. Is H ∪ K a subgroup of G. 9b] Define Klein 4 group. Verify A = {1, 3, 5, 7} is a klein 4 group. 9c] State and prove Lagrange’s Theorem.
- 9a] With neat diagram write an assembly language program to interface DAC to 8051 microcontroller. 9b] Write a program to display "HELLO WORLD" by interfacing LCD display to 8051 microcontroller
- 9a] With neat diagram write an assembly language program to interface Stepper motor to 8051 microcontroller. 9b] Explain the interfacing of DC motor using C programming
- a9] What is a uniform wave? Explain its propagation in free space with necessary equations. 9b] Starting from Maxwell’s equations, derive the wave equation for sinusoidal waves in good dielectric medium. 9c] A 9.375 GHz uniform plane wave is propagating in polyethylene (εr = 2.26). If the amplitude of the electric field is 500 V/m and the material is assumed to be lossless, find ( i) Phase constant (ii) Wavelength (iii) Velocity of propagation (iv) Intrinsic impedance (v) magnetic field intensity 10a] Show that the uniform plane wave is transverse in nature. 10b] I. Write a short note on: Skin effect in conductors. II. What do you mean by depth of penetration? 10c] With respect to wave propagation in good conductors, describe what the skin effect is and derive an expression for the depth of penetration. If σ = 58 × 106 mhos/m at frequency 10 MHz, determine the depth of penetration.
- All Modules Numericals
- Angle Between Radius Vector and Tangent - A
- Angle Between Radius Vector and Tangent - B
- Angle of Intersection Between Two Polar Curves
- Angle of Intersection Between Two Polar Curves - Problems
- Application of Double and Triple Integration - A
- Application of Double and Triple Integration - B
- Application of Ordinary Differential Equation - LCR Circuit
- Application of Ordinary differential equation - ORTHOGONAL TRAJECTORIES
- Bernoulli's Differential Equation
- Chinese Remainder Theorem and its Problems
- Clairaut’s Equation
- Complete Module 3 explained with the Concepts and Problems.
- Congruences and Problems on Congruences
- Consistency of a system of Linear Equations - Condition and Problems - A
- Consistency of a system of Linear Equations - Condition and Problems - B
- Define noise. Derive the expression for Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in decibels (dB).
- Derivation of Pedal Equation
- Discuss the various multiple access techniques used in cellular network.
- Draw the block diagram of basic communication system and briefly explain the individual blocks.
- Eigen Value and Eigen Vector by Power Method
- Euler's Theorem and its Problems
- Evaluation of double and triple integrals
- Exact Differential Equation
- Explain the types of communication system.
- Explain with a neat diagram, the concept of radio wave propagation and its different types.
- Fermat's Little Theorem
- Finding the GCD and Solving the Linear Diophantine Equation
- Gauss Elimination Method and Gauss Jordan Method
- Gauss-Seidel Method
- How to download Model question paper 2 with solution PDF?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to download Study Materials (PDF) from the enrolled courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- How to watch video courses?
- Indeterminate Form-L'Hospital's Rule- Problems
- Integration by Changing the Order of Integration
- Integration by Changing to Polar Ordinates
- Intro video
- Intro video
- Intro video
- Intro video ( important questions)
- Intro video ( important questions)
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction
- Introduction Higher Order ODE and Method of finding the Complimentary Function
- Introduction on Decision Control Statements
- Introduction on Iterative Looping Statements
- Jacobians
- List out the advantages of digital communication over analog communication.
- Maxima and Minima
- Model paper with solution PDF
- Module 1
- Module 1
- Module 1
- Module 1
- Module 1
- Module 1
- Module 1 : Extra very important questions with answers.
- Module 2
- Module 2
- Module 2
- Module 2
- Module 2
- Module 2
- Module 2 : Extra very important questions with answers.
- Module 3
- Module 3
- Module 3
- Module 3
- Module 3
- Module 3
- Module 3 : Extra very important questions with answers.
- Module 4
- Module 4
- Module 4
- Module 4
- Module 4
- Module 4
- Module 4 : Extra very important questions with answers.
- Module 5
- Module 5
- Module 5
- Module 5
- Module 5
- Module 5
- Module 5 : Extra very important questions with answers.
- Non-linear Differential Equation
- Numericals
- Part A-Problems on Finding the Complimentary Functions
- Part B-Problems on Finding the Complimentary Functions
- Partial Differentiation Problems
- Present the architecture of a wireless communication transmitter and its modulation scheme QPSK with waveforms and constellation diagrams.
- Problem on Chinese Remainder Theorem
- Problems on Basis, Dimension, Linearly Dependent and Independent
- Problems on Congruences and Linear Congruences
- Problems on Maxima and Minima
- Problems on Pedal Equation
- Problems on System of Linear Congruence in 2 Variables
- Problems on Taylor's and Maclaurin's Series
- question 1
- question 2
- question 3
- Rank of matrix - A
- Rank of Matrix - B
- Reducible to Exact Differential Equation
- Resources
- Resources
- Resources
- Resources
- Resources
- Resources
- Resources
- Taylors and Maclaurins'series Exapansion formula
- Total Derivative-Composite Functions
- Write a note on different types of modulation and briefly describe each in detail.
- Write a note on digital modulation techniques.