POP | All 5 MODULES | Very Important questions with solutions EXPLAINED | BPOPS103/203 | Last moment exam preparation
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Module 1 (Very Important questions with solutions)
2. Discuss the variants of microcomputer that are widely used today(6)
04:12 -
3. Write a short note on the characteristics of a computer (6)
02:37 -
4. List any three input and three output devices of a computer and explain any one each(5)
03:06 -
5. Develop an algorithm to find the area and perimeter of a circle. Also define an algorithm(6)
02:10 -
6. Write a c program to find area and perimeter of a rectangle (5)
01:04 -
7. Draw a flowchart and C program which takes as input p,t,r. Compute the simple interest and display the result(6)
01:33 -
8. Define Pseudocode. Write a pseudocode to find sum and average of 3 numbers (5)
02:10 -
9. What is variable? What are the rules to construct variable? Classify the following as valid/invalid Identifiers(8)
04:37 -
10. Explain the structure of C program in detail. Write a sample program to demonstrate the components in the structure of C program(8)
06:02 -
11. Demonstrate formatted output of integer in C with suitable example(6)
04:16 -
12. List the basic data types available in C. Explain with example(8)
05:54 -
13. Define a Token. Explain the different types of tokens available in c
Module 2 (Very Important questions with solutions)
Module 3 (Very Important questions with solutions)
Module 4 (Very Important questions with solutions)
Module 5 (Very Important questions with solutions)
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Student Ratings & Reviews
very neat explaination by priya madam easy to understand and to go through it
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