DATA STRUCTURES AND APPLICATIONS || BCS304 || All 5 modules very important questions with solutions (with CONCEPTS EXPLAINED)|| 2022 scheme || Video course with study materials

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3. What is structure? Explain the different types of structure with example and give difference between union and structure
07:09 -
4. List and explain the functions supported in C for dynamic memory allocation
04:21 -
5. Write a c program to demonstrate the basic operations on arrays
02:50 -
6. Explain any four string handling functions supported by c with syntax and example
02:13 -
7. What is Sparse matrix? Write the ADT of Sparse matrix. Give the triplet form of a given matrix and also find its transpose
06:50 -
8. Define Pointers. How to declare and initialize pointers, explain with example
04:00 -
9. Define stack. List and explain the various operations on stacks using arrays with stack overflow and stack underflow conditions
09:39 -
10. Write a c program to perform push(), pop(), display operations on STACK
02:12 -
11. Develop a C recursive program for Tower of Hanoi problem. Trace it for 3 disks with schematic call tree diagram
09:27 -
12. Write an algorithm to convert an infix expression to postfix expression and also trace the same for the expression
08:50 -
13. Write an algorithm to evaluate postfix expression and apply the same for the given postfix expression. ABC-D*+E$F+ and assume A=6 B=3 C=2 D=5 E=1 F=7
06:17 -
14. Convert the following infix expression into postfix expression using stack (5) A + (B*C-(D/E^F)*G)*H
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